Why I Love This Homemade Kahlua Coffee Liquor
Coming in at 64% of Americans drinking coffee, this Kahlua coffee liquor is sure to be a great gift for friends! Kahlua is so easy to make, but people think it's hard. About an hour in the kitchen will yield you a nice batch of Kahlua with plenty to share!

Making Kahlua Coffee Liquor Your Own
When I "got into" vanilla, I learned many things quickly, including that homemade Kahlua is something I could make! I read so many recipes for Kahlua, that I was overwhelmed with options. Do I use fresh beans, brewed coffee, instant coffee, how many vanilla beans, what liquor, the list of questions was very long!
After researching recipes, I decided to take my favorite things from the recipes and make my own - including using my favorite liquors!
Here are my tips for making Kahlua your own:
Choose your favorite liquor - do you prefer vanilla-flavored vodka or spiced rum - use it! Try to stay clear of any very strong-tasting liquors - like pineapple rum for example.
Vanilla beans vs extract - this could be debated all day, choose which you want to use and use at least 2-4 split or cut beans per recipe. For extract, you'd want to use 3-6 Tablespoons - if using extract, I would start small, taste, and add more.
Coffee - I prefer instant because I didn't want to deal with a) brewing coffee or b) having to wait a few weeks for the crushed coffee beans to "do their thing"
What type of homemade Kahlua will you make? Do you have a favorite Kahlua recipe?