Ever Thought Of Using Magic In The Garden? Deter Pests This Year Like Magic With Marigolds
What if I told you that you can deter pests in the garden like magic with marigolds? Sounds pretty awesome, right? It's true! Marigolds help deter pests in the garden in a couple of ways, and today's post is all about marigolds.
After seeing a garden lined on the outside border with a flower, I asked what type of flower it was. I was told "marigolds" and something about pests. Being new to gardening, I just kind of shook my head yes and went on about my day. Near the end of the season, after having pests in the garden all summer, I looked into marigolds. What I found was great information that I wish I had at the beginning of the garden season.
Sooner or later I was in a "rabbit hole" searching for all the tips and tricks of gardening I could find. Then I realized there are a few plants that help in the garden. Today's post is the first of my "reasons to grow" series, I hope you stick around to read the following posts in the series.

Marigolds Attract Beneficial Insects - Which Prey On The Bad Bugs
Being an annual plant, marigolds are a great way to add a pop of color to your garden with no long-term commitment or waiting! Since you are a gardener, you may know that some insects are beneficial to the garden. Insects such as parasitic wasps, ladybugs, hoverflies & lacewings.
Attracting insects to your garden may seem the opposite of what we want, in fact, we do want to attract some insects. These insects we are attracting will actually eat the pests that are eating our gardens. Pests such as aphids. Continue reading to learn what bugs are deterred by marigolds.
Marigolds Deter Harmful Pests
Next, I will share what harmful pests marigolds deter. Pests such as hornworms and beetles are deterred by the scent of the marigold itself. Marigolds are a great companion plant for many vegetables, but I recommend planting them as a border on every garden. In addition to their ability to deter pests, they add such a beautiful color to the garden.
Will you be planting marigolds this year? Let me know in the comments below. While you wait for the next post in the reasons to grow series, check out all my garden posts.