Why I Love This Smoked Potatoes Recipe
My first thought when I hear smoked potatoes is YUM! Anything that comes out of the smoker I love - fish, veggies, water, literally anything! These smoked potatoes are perfect for potato salad, or to pair with the main dish, heck you can even enjoy them separately.
The second thought I have about smoked potatoes is how do I cook these and what wood do I use? Read this week's post to learn not only tips & tricks but also how to properly cook & what wood to use.
What Wood To Use For Smoked Potatoes
For my smoked potatoes, I used a mix of apple & cherry woods. Before I start smoking, I fill the chip holder with chips, and I don't add any more chips during the cooking process. In reality, you can use any flavored wood chip you'd like.
Should you be stuck on what flavor to use, think about how you will use the smoked potatoes. Will you put it into a potato salad, if not, what will you eat the potato with? I'd recommend smoking the potatoes with whatever wood you would use to smoke the meat you are pairing with for best results.
For example, if I was eating pork with my smoked potatoes, I would smoke using any of the woods that pair well with pork.
Keep reading to find a quick reference guide for what flavors pair with meats. This is a short list of my favorite woods to use to smoke meats.

Hungry for tips on smoking potatoes? Just keep reading!
Angie's Tips For Smoking Potatoes
After smoking potatoes a few times, I've come up with some tips & tricks that I wish I would have known.
Angie's top tips for smoking potatoes
Poke holes in the potatoes! If you don't do this, you risk your potatoes exploding - ask me how I know
Want a crispy skin? You must use oil on the potatoes - this will not only ensure a nice crisp skin, but it will help the potatoes not stick to the smoker grates
Use your spice cabinet - salt & pepper are great - but try adding curry powder, or other mixes for more flavor
You can tell the potatoes are done when you can easily stick a fork in them - if you can't do that, let them smoke longer. If they are not done, you will not enjoy them, trust me on this one.