Add A Unique Pop Of Color To Your Next Baked Good With Viola Flowers!
When people see your dessert creations with beautiful viola flowers on top, they will be stunned! Adding flowers to your foods (not just desserts) is sure to impress others.
In this post, I will cover what the viola tastes like, how to grow, and how to use it. This is part of my 7-part edible flower series.
How To Grow Beautiful Viola Flowers
Violas are small flowers that come in a large variety of colors. They prefer cooler temperatures for blooming, and many times are planted in the spring - check your zone to determine when to plant violas.
Although violas only grow 4-10" tall, they add a massive amount of color to your garden and depending on the type may provide ground cover. If you choose to grow these, partial to full sun is appropriate for most varieties.
Keep reading under the images to learn how these taste and how to use violas.
What Do Violas Taste Like?
Like many other edible flowers, the taste is fairly bland. A viola is slightly earthy with a hint of mint and pairs well with many foods.
I'd recommend starting with a viola tea to really taste the viola and, from there, explore other uses for violas, like the ones listed below.
How To Use Violas
I found this article from Common Farms to provide a large amount of information on violas, I highly recommend reading it before using violas.
Both the leaves and flowers of violas are edible. If you are not in a cooking or baking mood, simply toss the flowers into a salad for a burst of color.
Additionally, you may want to mix the flowers with salt and a little water or oil to make a salt scrub. To soak in the anti-inflammatory properties, you may want to try adding the petals to a hot bath. Add in Epsom salt and essential oils to get the spa-like experience!
While you wait for my next post, check out all of my recipes, and choose 1 to add violas to!