Why I Love This Recipe
I'm making a great meal tonight with cabbage! This meal is easy and tasty, did I mention it takes about 30 minutes?
It's not every day I can find a meal that takes less than an hour to put together. By pairing this roasted cabbage with rice or noodles, you can make a more filling meal. Tonight I made wedges, but I've also tried thick steaks. The steaks are easier to eat than the wedges, but the wedges look beautiful after being cooked.

Enjoying Tonight With Cabbage Benefits
Have you ever wondered why cabbage is good for you? Besides being able to grow your own cabbage, it's loaded with healthful benefits and is truly a versatile vegetable.
Multiple vitamins - A, C & K just to name a few
Make it healthier by fermenting - hello kimchi!
Add it to salads or make cole slaw
Contains antioxidants
Helps inflammation & digestion
Will fill you up due to the large fiber content - 1 gram of fiber per 10 calories!
With all these benefits, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and make a meal tonight with cabbage!
Pairings For Tonight With Cabbage
As mentioned above, I love pairing cabbage with rice or noodles. Additionally, I'll pair this roasted cabbage with an easy green sauce.
Angie's Easy Green Sauce
2 teaspoons of either YourSuper Super Green or YourSuper Gut Feeling
1 - 2 Tablespoons water (start with 1 tablespoon, mix and add more water if needed
Mix the 2 ingredients together to form a sauce, then pour it onto the roasted cabbage. You can also add chicken, onions, or potatoes to the cabbage.