Tired Of Not Getting Enough Produce From Your Garden? Pollination May Be To Blame! Read How You Can Offer Pollinators A Place To Land In Your Garden
Why Should You Offer Pollinators A Place To Land?
As I've mentioned a few times on my blog, and in this 7 part edible flower series, having pollinators in your garden is essential, continue reading to learn why you should offer pollinators a place to land in your garden.
Have you ever grown zucchini and noticed a yellow flower? That flower will produce a zucchini if it gets pollinated. Without pollination, you may seed the flower shrivel and die, or worse, the zucchini starts growing and then dies. Your zucchini growing and then dying could be end rot, but I've found that it's usually that the flower didn't get pollinated.
Take a look at this article from the USDA and learn why pollination is important.
What Is Calendula?
Calendula is native to Asia and Southern Europe. Traditionally, the leaves & flowers have been used for wounds and inflammation as well as other ailments. Typically calendula comes in shades of orange, yellow, or white. They are sure to add a pop of color to your garden.
Continue reading below the image to learn how to use calendula.
How To Use Calendula
Even though the leaves and flowers may have a slightly bitter and earthy taste, you should be able to find ways to enjoy the flowers and leaves. If steeping as tea, add 1/4 cup of dried petals to water and I'd recommend adding sweetener to balance out the bitterness.
Other ways to use for calendula:
Add flowers to homemade soaps & candies to make them look more interesting
Make a balm by using coconut oil and beeswax
Mix flowers and sugar with a little water to make a fabulous sugar scrub
I hope you have enjoyed learning about calendula and will plant some in your garden this year. I must get back to garden planning now, but while you wait for the next post, check out my other series on the blog.