As Garden Season Approaches, I'm Switching Gears From Garden Series To Garden Updates
Similar to last year, I will be writing my garden updates; I've had a lot of fun writing all of my winter series. I hope you have enjoyed all of my winter series. Over winter, I wrote about edible flowers, growing your tea, and many more topics!
Starting next week I'll be writing my garden updates. Although the updates are about my garden specifically, I include tips and tricks for your garden! If you haven't had a chance, I recommend following me on social media so you don't miss any of my posts.

My Biggest Take Away From Winter Series
When I look back on all of my winter series, my favorite series has to be my "Reasons to Grow" series. In that series, I shared beneficial plants to grow.
My favorite post in that series was the marigold post. Marigolds are easy to grow, fairly compact, and will deter pests in the garden! There are also many varieties of marigolds available - petite, crackerjack, and teddy bear to name a few. In addition to variety, there are many colors available - yellows and oranges in many shades. If you would like to buy marigold seeds, take a look at all the options and choose your favorite!
What To Expect This Summer
This summer I'm very excited to share my garden with you again! I'll give you a sneak peek of what you can expect over this season:
How my greenhouse is going
Review of what I'm planting this year
What I started early vs starting in the garden
A new feature in my garden
Many tips & tricks!
While you wait for my first garden update, take a look at all of my recipes - maybe you'll find something new to grow and use!