Why I Love This Maple Ice Cube
A maple ice cube may make you stop and look at the screen a little strangely. Maybe you don't know what it is, how you'd use it, or perhaps you do! Either way, by the end of this post you will have a way to use maple ice cubes.
A maple cube is a delicious piece of ice that can cool down hot tea or add a little sweetness to your favorite drink. Continue reading to learn more about maple sugar and maple ice cubes!

How To Use Maple Sugar To Make Maple Ice Cube
For starters, I typically only use maple sugar, honey, or maple syrup in my baking. I find these alternatives better because they are not processed, and a little goes a long way. Maple sugar specifically has less sugar, carbs & calories than regular white sugar. Keeping maple sugar in the open helped me learn to use it instead of sugar. Now when someone asks for sugar I go get the maple sugar and then ask if they would prefer white sugar.
Using maple sugar is easy—use it as you would sugar! Typically, I use about 1/2 cup or less of maple sugar per 1 cup of white sugar. I recommend starting small with the maple sugar and tasting as you go. You can always add more maple sugar if you need more sweetness.
For this recipe, you don't need to make a simple syrup, we are looking to get the water hot enough to dissolve the maple sugar. You will have a lightly golden color water when complete. Allow the mixture to cool, then pour into ice cube trays. Once frozen, use the ice cubes in a mocktail like this gin mocktail!
That's all for this week - while you wait for my next post, keep the conversation going on social media. Will you try maple sugar? Let me know!